What’s the most oppressed minority?

We hear all about minority oppression, suppression, discrimination, and more in every single news cycle, it seems. I’m not trivializing these instances. Sure, many of them may be people exhibiting overly sensitive behavior, but we all know there is still genuine racism, sexism, and other isms and phobias that are untrue, unnecessary, unfair, and unethical.

But which minority is the most discriminated against? I promise you, it’s not what any of you, not a single one of you, is thinking.

What It Isn’t

Is it African-Americans? Well, they’ve made from the time slavery was abolished to having the first African-American elected President in 2008. Let’s look further.

Is it Native Americans? Perhaps in the past. But there are almost no stereotypes that paint Native Americans unfairly anymore; most people see them as noble. And don’t get started on the Redskins. There is no serious push being led by any recognized tribe to force them to change their name.

Is it Asian Americans? Again, most stereotypes are entirely positive! And Asian American parents are so dedicated to their children’s success, that there are discussions at the best schools in America about limiting the number of Asian Americans allowed to attend, since they are so overrepresented compared to everyone else, whose parents tend to be more lax and less attentive.

Is it homosexuals, bisexuals, transgendered people, queers (when did that stop meaning gay?), or other people of aberrant sexual preferences… I mean, *ahem* alternative lifestyles? Psh, please. Caitlyn Jenner got tons of support, everyone loves Sam Smith, Elton John, John Bon Jovi, and some people even love Jim Parsons. Oh, and Adam Levine! Oh, wait, I’m being told he’s strait as an arrow. Sorry, I’ve only ever heard his music; I don’t know much about him personally. Anyway, with the rainbow flying high all throughout the land and being displayed on the White House, I think it’s safe to say mostly all of us are far too comfortable with the LGBTQIAA community.

Well Who is It Then?

Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your car keys, clutch your purses up a little higher, and hide the Cheerios, because the most discriminated-against minority in the country is: children. That’s right, children. The under 18 set. Let me explain.

The list of discriminating practices that we have become so accustomed to is long, and yet so abundantly obvious to those who will open their eyes to the suffering and mistreatment of these people.

Children are barred from:

  • Voting
  • Holding public office
  • Getting jobs
  • Living on their own
  • Driving cars
  • Flying airplanes
  • Serving in the military, police force, or fire department
  • And much more…

They have only the possessions that the adults they are forced to live with allow them to, and at any moment, their parents can take away anything they want if they catch you sending pictures to that boy again, young lady.

Children are called offensive and demeaning names, such as “k*ds”, “k*ddos”, “y**nglings”, “l*ttle *nes”, “h*lflings”, and many other pejoratives mocking their height, age, or size. The stereotypes about their size are not always true; often a male child with grow to be taller than the female adult he lives with long before he stops being referred to with these insulting, hateful names. Even the word “child” is offensive, when used by one adult to refer to another adult he thinks is simple-minded.

Children are called offensive and demeaning names, such as “k*ds”, “k*ddos”, “y**nglings”, “l*ttle *nes”, “h*lflings”, and many other pejoratives mocking their height, age, or size.

When I discovered this, I wondered to myself, “Why don’t children launch as massive Children of the Corn-style revolt to throw off these chains of oppression?” Then I thought some more about it, and what it would mean for children to buck the cruel mastery of adults.

As it currently stands, children receive free:

  • Food
  • Shelter
  • Clothing
  • Education
  • Medical care
  • And more…

Children don’t have to make hard life decisions: the parents do that. Children don’t have to work for a living: parents do that. Children are all guaranteed free food, shelter, clothing, education, medical care, and more from either the two adults they live with or the much larger group of adults known as the government. Children lead a life of self-centeredness (that adults have actively cultivated), and a life without difficult decisions or responsibility.

And that, my friends, is how you successfully suppress a minority.

Children lead a life of self-centeredness (that adults have actively cultivated), and a life without difficult decisions or responsibility. And that, my friends, is how you successfully suppress a minority.

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